Progetto Erasmus+


L'Istituto Comprensivo 2 Pontecorvo, mutuando dal gergo sportivo, ha ottenuto un grande risultato: la qualificazione all'Europa. Non si tratta di coppe sportive ovviamente, ma di opportunità per personale e studenti di formarsi all'estero nel quadro di scambi con realtà formative dei paesi dell'Unione Europea.

Nel concreto, l'importante risultato conseguito, vero passaporto per l'Europa e tassello chiave del processo di internazionalizzazione programmato dell'offerta formativa, consiste nell'aver ottenuto l’accreditamento Erasmus plus 2022-2027 per progetti di mobilità finanziati dall’Unione Europea.

Pertanto, il Dirigente scolastico dell’IC2 Pontecorvo, prof. Urgera Angelo è lieto di informare che, grazie alla Azione Chiave 1, il personale (Docenti e ATA) e gli alunni potranno vivere esperienze indimenticabili dal punto di vista personale e formativo, in termini di sviluppo delle competenze con una forte ricaduta sia a livello scolastico sia individuale.

Il programma Erasmus + prevede la partecipazione di più Paesi dell’Unione, per cui studenti, docenti e personale ATA, non solo potranno viaggiare verso diverse realtà, ma anche ospitare compagni e colleghi stranieri. Il macro progetto complessivo, che ha validità fino al 2027, prevede scambi, mobilità all'estero per la formazione, eventi formativi.

Le priorità intorno alle quali si è sviluppata la progettualità Erasmus del nostro Istituto sono state: Inclusione, Digitalizzazione e Sostenibilità.

Negli ultimi anni l’IC2 Pontecorvo ha organizzato la propria mission tenendo presenti gli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030, dell’Educazione Civica e delle direttive comunitarie e ministeriali sulla digitalizzazione nella didattica.  Obiettivi questi, che potranno essere “vissuti sul campo” e sfruttati al meglio.

Questo sbocco internazionale è stato preparato per tempo dall'Istituto con l’attivazione dei corsi per le certificazioni esterne di Inglese per gli studenti della scuola Primaria e Secondaria, attivati già dall’A.S. 2021/22,  con l’applicazione della  metodologia CLIL  e con corsi di inglese alla  scuola dell’Infanzia, dove l’inglese viene proposto con un approccio gioioso e ludico.

Ci aspettano anni ricchi di iniziative, esperienze ed entusiasmo. Noi siamo pronti a partire!


Questionario post-mobilità Praga 

Sostituzione personale impossibilitato a partecipare  progetto Erasmus + azione KA1 – “Pontecorvo calling”

ERASMUS LISBONA 7-11 Ottobre 2019

Questionario post-mobilità Lisbona

Determina a contrarre Erasmus Plus Lisbona





Presentazione: corso MADRID

Presentazione: ERASMUS KA1- MALTA

Presentazione: Corso di formazione LONDRA

Determina acquisto Erasmus_Plus_Malta

Determina acquisto mabilità Erasmus+ Madrid

Pubblicazione graduatoria mobilità Progetto Erasmus+



Bando in versione WORD modificabile BANDO SELEZIONE PERSONALE E ALLEGATI.doc


Project “PONTECORVO CALLING” which is online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

A description of your project has been published online at the following address: Project Card

Documentazione: project-2018-1-IT02-KA101-047657

Piano di sviluppo europeo


Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: School education staff mobility


IC 2 of Pontecorvo consists of 10 complexes (4 infant, 3 primary, 3 secondary) and has a teaching staff consisting of 140 teachers, a student population of 996 pupils and a 6-member administrative staff.
It falls on the municipalities of Pontecorvo, Pico and S. Giovanni Incarico, all belonging to a territory known as Ciociaria, in the province of Frosinone. 
The territory, which has always been a land of agricultural economy, has undergone considerable industrial and occupational development in the seventies and eighties; unfortunately, in recent years its new economy based on industrial complexes and on medium and small-sized enterprises has greatly suffered from the crisis with a reduction in household income, mostly in a single income and an increase in the unemployment rate. 
The families of many students live situations of socio-economic-cultural discomfort, many live isolated in the countryside and the presence of pupils of immigrants or unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) is significant. 
This context, typical of the deep province of the time of the crisis, in the absence of aggregating poles, is highly deprived, characterized by poor social cohesion and high risk of marginalization, with the school alone playing the role of driving force for development. The project idea is an integral part of a European development plan (PES) whose primary objective is the internationalization of the training offer. This plan is made up of 3 target areas. 
Area 1: promotion of active European citizenship through intercultural education and internationalization of the training offer: mobility for participation in structured training courses and / or job shadowing activities aimed at acquiring linguistic skills, methodological in function CLIL, STEM and the promotion of ICT in teaching. 
Area 2: active participation in the definition and dissemination of good practices through networks and partnerships both at local level and with foreign partners on topics related to teaching, the development of project or sectoral skills (ICT, STEM, etc.) also thanks to the Program Erasmus + and eTwinning platform. 
Area 3: use of European tools for recognition and validation of skills. 
The PES and the KA1 mobility project derive from a careful analysis of the educational needs of the institution, based on the evidence of RAV and PDM and an online questionnaire given to the teachers, during the work of a technical table extended in the preliminary phase and of PES commission and project. 
The needs identified are the following: 
1) internationalization of the institute in terms of teaching strategies, exchange of good practices and development of planning / management skills (teachers and ATA); 
2) implementation of language skills; 
3) acquisition of new teaching methods; 
4) reformulation of the curricula with a wider dissemination of ICT and CLIL, to favor the teaching of skills and update traditional education; 
5) acquisition of a stable European dimension (study programs, attendance of European platforms, twinning) at the system level, through the strengthening of the role of the ATAs in the administrative and accounting management of European projects. 
The KA1 mobility project consequently conceived, entitled “Pontecorvo Calling”, envisages two phases of staff mobility (Sett 2018 – Dec. 2018 and Feb. 2019 – July 2019) aimed at participating in 5 courses structured in English, chosen in response to the training needs listed above. 
It has innovative contents that can be summarized as follows: 
linguistic and methodological training and the use of ICT in the context of transversal education and CLIL in connection with the PNSD and the PES. 
The identified training institutions operate in the following countries: Alpha School of English, Malta – Mersanger Consulting LTD, UK – Pricalica, Spain – ITC International, Czech Republic – CREF, Portugal. 
The target audience is the following: the DS, 2 teachers of infant school, 8 of primary( among them teachers 1 member PNSD and 1management Staff) 8 of Secondary school (among them teachers of scientific area, literary language, members of the management staff, innovation team PNSD and digital animator), the Director General Administrative Services and 1 secretary staff. 
Upon return, all teachers undertake to return the training resulting from mobility (linguistics, on ICT in teaching, methodology, design) in internal training activities, reshaping the curricula and the training offer, dissemination, monitoring and evaluation the impact of training on the institute as a system, also declaring, the willingness to continue the training course undertaken further linguistic improvement certified according to CEFR, CLIL training and on the use of ICT in didactics for skills.